At The Urban Arborist, our team is passionate about tree care from the roots up.  We provide a wide range of solutions proven by experience and ongoing staff training to help you achieve your vision for the longevity of your trees.


Promote Healthy Landscapes

Pruning your trees regularly is a way to ensure your landscape's longevity and health. Pruning for health and structure will promote advantageous growth.

Proactively train your trees away from buildings or structures before limbs encroach on them and avoid harsh pruning to mitigate hazards in the future.  

Our team can provide advice on pruning techniques and long term strategies to ensure your trees will grow to add value in your landscape.  Let us help you care for your trees so you can enjoy them.

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Mitigate Potential Hazards

By having your trees inspected and pruned regularly you can find and address potential failures before they occur.

Our team can help you find the right solutions for your ageing or hazardous trees.  Cabling, and canopy reductions can be recommended to prolong the useful life of your trees.

If a removal is needed we are qualified and experienced in city by-laws and can guide you through the application process. We provide Arborist Reports and handle the application process with cities around the GTA.

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Professional Advice

We are experienced and qualified in the requirements of all cities surrounding the GTA.  Whether you require Arborist Reports, Tree Inventories, Tree Protection Plans, or Tree Appraisals, or other scopes of your work;  our team can help.

Contact our professional team to insure you have all the necessary paperwork before starting any construction projects or tree removals on your property. Don't expose yourself to liability and work slow-downs, find out what you need to know about new rules and regulations pertaining to work on or around trees in your city.

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